In pursuit of your best self.

The mind and body were designed to thrive in a very different environment to the one we live in today. Our holistic retreats help you rediscover your foundations, then Elevate. them.


& Conditioning

Functional Medicine

& Nutrition


Mind & Breath

Retreats for busy professionals: feel good; move better; age well.

Life can be challenging for change-makers, so we curate holistic retreats for those who want to show up as their best selves.

Drawing on the principles of functional medicine, movement mechanics, and mindfulness (which we call our three ‘Elevate. Pillars’), our unique coaching programme brings together a community of like-minded, extraordinary individuals who want to access ground-breaking therapies, make incredible connections, and elevate every aspect of their wellbeing.

There comes a point where we need to stop just pulling people out of the river. We need to go upstream and find out why they’re falling in.

- Desmond Tutu

Go upstream

Our secret sauce

No two minds and bodies are the same, yet how many one-size-fits-all moments have you had on your wellness journey so far? Touch your toes! Empty your mind! Drink this celery juice!

But maybe your body wasn’t built for toe-touching. Maybe your mind is too noisy for silence. And maybe those supplements everyone’s talking about on Instagram will do you more harm than good.

The Elevate. Pillars aren’t about homogenous solutions or unsustainable fads. We’re not a yoga centre, a juice cleanse, or a military bootcamp.

Our retreats are totally holistic experiences, curated for you and your needs, and which will help you make foundational, long-term improvements to every aspect of your health and wellbeing and elevate you both professionally and personally.

Scroll down to find out more about what we teach on retreat and how we set you up for success.

How you move, feel, and nourish yourself are the three main pillars of your wellbeing. We give you the tools to elevate them all.

What we teach

Move how you’re meant to

Humans were designed to move effectively through all three planes of motion - coronal (side-to-side), sagittal (front-to-back) and transverse (rotationally).

But modern life doesn’t set us up well for this - we sit at desks, we carry our kids, we hunch over our phones. And we’re all built differently - so if all we do is run, spin, or join the same exercise classes in the gym, we’re very often not honouring our body and its specific needs.

Whatever your existing fitness level, our retreats teach you the basics of multi-planar movement, mobility and conditioning suitable for YOUR body so you can combat poor posture, bulletproof yourself against niggle and injury, and build strength. And you’ll get some great workouts in too!

Go deep

Our ancestors ran from sabre-toothed tigers. They must have had it worse than us, right? Surely work pressures, financial worries, relationship problems and social media overload can’t compare to fighting for survival?

Well, actually it can. The modern stress cycle is the same as thousands of years ago, but the acute stressors that affect us today don’t go away quickly, and we’re constantly exposed to them. Chronic stress is at the root of countless physical and mental health problems and is massively detrimental to our wellbeing.

On retreat, our mindfulness and coaching programme blends science with spirituality and teaches you how to complete your stress cycle, to still your mind, and to confront your limiting beliefs so that in a challenging world, you can show up as your best self.

Nourish yourself

The true gatekeeper of our overall wellbeing is our microbiome - the totally unique collection of microorganisms that live on and inside our bodies (mainly in the gut) and dictate the state of everything from our digestion, our weight and immune function, to our mental health and even the condition of our skin.

We’re here to guide you through the philosophy of functional medicine - a practice which treats the whole person, not just their symptoms - and to help you understand how the WHEN, WHERE and WHAT you eat can reset your microbiome and improve countless marginalised health issues such as IBS, acne, thyroid issues, fatigue, period pain, hormone-imbalance, and more.

What’s more, every Elevate. retreat is fuelled by wholesome, locally-sourced organic produce which is designed to energise, nourish and heal you.

Who is Elevate. for?

Elevate. has been designed for the world’s busiest people - entrepeneurs, execs and busy professionals of any age or background who are naturally curious about optimising their wellbeing and want to set themselves up for success in life, work and in the ageing process.

Our retreats have been designed to cater for solo attendees who can meet other like-minded guests and make great friends.

We also welcome small groups of friends or colleagues who can join the wider group, and we can put together tailored corporate programmes for female leaders too. contact us to find out more.