Frequently Asked Questions

We’ve answered the most common questions we get asked here.

If you have any other questions before or after booking, please reach out to us at

  • Elevate. retreats are for change-makers who are incurably curious about improving and optimising their health and wellbeing.

    Some of our retreats are for specific groups e.g. women only / men only / entrepeneurs only, and others are more open (this is advertised on our booking page). We don’t restrict access by any other characteristic and welcome people of all ages and backgrounds.

    You might want to join an Elevate. retreat for any number of reasons, all of which (and more) we cater for:

    • You might have a specific health concern you want support with, particularly if your GP hasn’t been able to help (our founder Nat struggled with IBS, recurrent UTIs, eczema, acne, and back trouble before she discovered the Elevate. programme);

    • You might want to find a more holistic way to combat stress and anxiety in your daily life;

    • You might want to set your physical body up for better success in the ageing process, build strength and mobility, or excel at a particular sport;

    • Frankly, you might just want to come and have a glorious long weekend away in a stunning countryside setting with awesome like-minded people, eat delicious food, learn something new, and make amazing friends.

  • Our retreats are usually 2-3 days long.

    A typical day starts around 7:30am for optional wild swimming and is followed by breakfast prepared by our chefs (all our food is locally-sourced with as many organic ingredients as possible).

    After breakfast, you might have a 1o1 movement assessment with one of our expert trainers, followed by a group meditation class, and lunch.

    In the afternoon, you might choose to spend your downtime in the Scandinavian hot tub, on the tennis courts, exploring the estate or relaxing with a tea and a snack.

    Before dinner, you might have a functional medicine and nutrition session or a sunset yoga class, and after dinner we might host a fire circle or some games.

    If you’d like to know the full programme for your chosen dates drop us an email to and we’ll provide it nearer the time of the retreat.

  • Yes, while groups are always welcome, we’ve designed our retreats for solo participants who can come by themselves and make great friends.

    If you are worried about sharing with strangers we have single occupancy rooms available.

  • Check in time is usually from 2pm on the first day of retreat, with the first session usually starting promptly around 2:30pm. Anyone arriving late (after 10pm) will not be able to join us until the following day.

    Check out on departure day is around 4pm and we usually have a full programme of sessions first.

    If you have booked with us, check your welcome email for the final details on arrival and departure times.

  • All food and drink is included in your stay.

    We serve three nourishing meals a day on full retreat days. On your arrival day, we serve a welcome snack and dinner, and on your departure day we serve breakfast and lunch.

    You can help yourself to coffee, a selection of teas, dairy and non-dairy milks and soft drinks throughout the day.

    As much of our food as possible is locally sourced from organic local farmers.

    We don’t serve alcohol on retreat.

  • All bed linens, bath robes and towels are included. And we provide hairdryers and toiletries.

    We also provide an Elevate. goodie bag to all participants.

  • Yes, subject to availability we can arrange for you to share with another guest or guests of your choice.

    Please email us at the time of booking to arrange this -

  • Your body assessment is designed to assess your specific imbalances and this is not physically taxing.

    Personal training sessions and group classes are as easy or as difficult as you want them to be, and there are always modifications available for those wishing to push themselves more or to dial back.

    You should speak to the practitioner in charge of a session if you have any questions or concerns about your ability level.

  • We cater for all levels of fitness and we are here to guide and mentor you and provide you with the support you need to participate at the right level for you. Being overweight or not at peak fitness therefore shouldn’t deter you from joining us!

    Guests with serious injuries may find the Elevate. programme very difficult and are advised not to come. However, once you have started rehab and are able to do a number of basic exercises you are likely to gain a lot from Elevate.

    Feel free to bring any physio notes with you to inform your body assessment.

  • If applied consistently over a period of time via a programme that is specifically designed for your body, the Elevate. principles can help support and improve a range of issues, including eczema, IBS, chronic stress, acne, PCOS, UTI, brain fog, depression, anxiety, weight issues, migraines, PMS, fatigue, psoriasis and many other conditions.

    The principles taught on the Elevate. training module can also improve a range of physical issues, including restricted mobility, impingements, localised pain, injury rehabilitation and postural problems.

  • Generally yes - we have a network of incredible local therapists who can offer massage, facials, and a variety of other treatments on request from our treatment room on-site.

    Unless otherwise advertised at the time of booking, treatments are not included in the booking price and will need to be paid for separately. We will provide you with a menu of treatment options and prices before your stay with us.

  • If you have a history of mental illness and are on medication for depression or other conditions, we recommend that you talk to your doctor to see if our programme would be suitable for you.

    We are not mental health professionals and are not qualified to support guests with mental illness issues, including feeling suicidal or recently coming off strong anti-depressants or other prescription medication.

  • Yes, you will need to disclose all medication that you are taking.

    If you are on strong medication you MUST have a doctor’s note to say that you are able to participate in Elevate. programme and have clear advice from your doctor before you attend if you are worried or sick.

  • We recommend you bring:

    • Training clothes - t-shirt/vest, shorts/leggings, sports bra and trainers

    • Loungewear

    • A water bottle

    • Toothbrush and toothpaste

    • High SPF for face and body

    • Sleepwear

    • Swimwear

    • An outdoor robe (if you plan to participate in wild swimming)

    • Flip-flops

    • A hat or cap

    • Sunglasses

    • Your journal and a pen

    • Any special toiletries or skincare you need

    • Ear plugs (if you need them)

    • If you’re a keen player, a tennis racquet and balls (we have a few basic racquets and balls available)

    • A torch (if you might want to explore the grounds later in the evening)

  • No, unfortunately we do not offer a laundry service at this time.

  • Our standard menu is designed to be varied and nourishing, with a focus on whole foods, and always includes the option of animal products and proteins.

    We can usually cater for dietary requirements, but please let us know if you have any food allergies before you come.

    We don’t cater for serious food allergies that require medical supervision, or medical conditions that require a specialised diet and cannot guarantee that food will be prepared free from specific allergens.

  • If you suffer any kind of injury whilst on retreat, you are asked to report it immediately to a member of staff who can assess the injury, document it and assess your next plan of action.

  • We don’t restrict you from going out in the evening, but our retreat locations are fairly remote and you would need to return to site by 10pm to gain access.

    We can recommend a number of excellent local pubs and restaurants for you to visit around your retreat.

  • Our UK retreats are held at Thehere Quaives in Kent or The Rewilding in Lancs.

    You can find a map and directions here.

  • Yes, there is generally phone reception at our retreat locations and we have Wi-Fi onsite.

    We can’t promise that the connection will be available at all times or that it can support any particular usage on your devices.

    Elevate. is an immersive experience and you are asked not to use our facilities for remote working.

  • The full programme for your retreat will be provided to you upon arrival on your first day. We take great care in curating the schedule and we make sure to incorporate elements from all three Elevate. Pillars in every programme.

    In the meantime, you can check out a typical retreat day here.

  • No, sadly we cannot allow any pets on-site.

  • Our studios are fully equipped with indoor and outdoor yoga mats, blocks, blankets and other props.

    You don’t need to bring your own, but you’re very welcome to.

  • Yes, we have plenty of parking space on-site.

    To help the environment, if you can ride-share or you would be open to ride-sharing with other guests, please contact us on and we can help you organise this.

  • For the Quaives, you can catch a train into either Canterbury East or West.

    From there, a ride is about £15 one way, and takes 10-15 minutes.

    You can try the following taxi companies:

    Cabline Taxi’s - 01227 555555

    Green Light Cabs - 01227 722 222

    Canterbury Taxi’s - 01227 444444

    Canterbury City Taxi’s - 01227 498888

    Longport Taxi’s - 01227 458885

    For The Rewilding, the nearest train station is Lancaster and the venue is approximately 15 minutes driven from there. There are direct trains from London, Glasgow, Manchester and Leeds.

    You can try these Lancaster taxi companies if needed - 01524 32090 or 01524 848848.

  • We will let you know when the hot tub will be available for your use.


    The use of alcohol, drugs or medication before or during the hot tub may lead to drowning.

    People on medication should always consult their doctor before using the hot tub.

    People who have heart conditions, blood pressure problems, are obese, have circulatory problems, skin conditions or diabetes should always consult their doctor before using the hot tub.

    Pregnant women should avoid submerging their stomachs in a hot tub, as the temperature is far too hot for the foetus.

    Do not use the hot tub immediately after strenuous exercise.

    Prolonged use of the hot tub can lead to hyperthermia. This is a dangerous condition when the internal body temperature exceeds 37 degrees. Symptoms may include failure to perceive impending hazard, failure to perceive heat, failure to recognise need to leave the hot tub, unconsciousness and drowning.

    DO NOT TOUCH THE PIPE OR STOVE in the hot tub it is very hot and will cause burns.

    NEVER leave one person alone in the hot tub or let them sleep in it. This could lead to drowning.

    Please treat the hot tub as if it were your own as maintenance is expensive.

    Do not drink the water, or allow the water to enter your mouth.


    People with infectious diseases should not use the hot tub.

    Guests must shower and scrub with soap to remove dead skin and lotions, and use the toilet before entering the hot tub.

    People with fake tan are not allowed in the hot tub.

    Do not use any soaps or detergents of any type in the hot tub.

    Appropriate swimwear should be worn at all times - clothes, or naked bathing is not permitted.


    The hot tub is quite deep so for caution there should always be a minimum of 2 people in the hot tub in case of an emergency. Test the water with your hand before entering to make sure it is a comfortable temperature.

    Guests should never submerge their head in the water.

    Be aware that surfaces in and around the hot tub may be slippery with water or ice (during winter)

    Maximum use of 20 minutes.

  • Enter at your own risk.

    Access to the wild swimming lake is by prior consent only - as we often have wildlife here, it depends if there are any nesting birds or young. If you are expressly given consent you will find in the middle of the lake a fountain that is kept in place by a rope, this is the natural half way division - the first half of the lake on the nearest side to the toilets is for wildlife only, whilst the second half towards the open land will be for swimming.

    Only use if you are a strong swimmer.

    Wild swimming in our lake or at other locations off-site can be challenging and carries with it risks that we cannot entirely eliminate. At all times participants must ensure they understand the risks and act accordingly.

    You must act responsibly and sensibly at all times.

    You must not participate if you are under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

    You must follow safety warnings or instructions displayed / given.

    We are not qualified to express an opinion that you are fit to safely participate and you must obtain professional or specialist advice from your doctor before doing so.

    Swimmers must prepare when entering the water in cold months. Listen to your body. Keep aware of the time that you are in the water and do not stay in too long - for 20 minutes afterwards your body will enter the ‘after drop’ phase where your core temperature will continue to fall while you are out of the water. The blood rushes to your organs while you swim, then out of the water the blood rushes to the skin surface causing your temperature to continue to droop.

    A minute submerged for every water degree is a guidelines only. Consider carefully before you enter any water below 5 degrees. You must be aware of cold-water shock and hypothermia and how to manage this.

    In colder months we recommend neoprene gloves and boots, changing robe, several warm layers (base layer, thermals, down jackets), warm hat, hot tea, and a sugary snack. Remember this is England and the water temperature is rarely above 15 degrees.

    You must never swim alone - a minimum of two persons is requires and at least one person must have a mobile phone with them to make emergency calls. Emergency numbers will be provided on the first day of your retreat.

    We cannot take responsibility for your safety when wild swimming and do not provide lifeguarding services.

  • Yes. Our sites are gated and you will have a key to your accommodation.

    Within shared cottages, there may not be enough keys for everyone, in which case you will be able to leave keys in a key box by your front door. We will provide you with codes upon arrival at retreat.

    Whilst we consider our site to be very safe, we cannot take any responsibility for lost or stolen items and in general we do not recommend bringing valuables with you.

  • Yes there is. Our functional medicine and mindfulness practices are all about centering yourself and tapping into your mind and body’s inner wisdom.

    We do this via a number of methods, including meditation, breathwork, reiki, coaching and others.

  • So glad you asked! We build downtime into every day, and there’s countless things for you to do on the estate:

    • Take a dip in our Scandinavian hot tub

    • Explore the grounds - 19 acres of them. They include landscaped, formal and secret gardens, wild meadows and open land.

    • Brave the waters in our wild swimming lakes

    • Knock some balls around on our tennis courts

    • Treat yourself to a relaxing massage or facial

    • Take a long walk in the surrounding countryside

    • Visit the award-winning local pubs

  • It varies. We like a group dynamic for learning from each other, providing support and having fun, but we also like to keep an intimate feeling and ensure we can deliver a lot of personalised content.

    Generally, we don’t exceed 20 people per retreat.

  • Absolutely, our practitioners all work with pregnancy and new mums.

    Just make sure you’re cleared by your doctor to participate in our programme first.