Our Story.

Hey, I’m Natalie,

I’m a former barrister-turned-Tech Exec with an evangelical passion for all things wellness.

Let me tell you why I started Elevate

I’m your average busy professional.  For a long time I’ve worked (and played) hard, tried to eat ‘healthily’, and squeezed in an exercise class whenever I could.  But over the years I’ve struggled with burnout, niggles and injuries, and a whole host of health issues which my GP never had a solution for.

I’d started to accept life is tough as a kind of inevitable mantra, especially when it dealt me blows that I couldn’t control or see coming.  And what’s more, I framed that within the traditional paradigm of ageing - that every decade of being alive would mean I would get progressively less and less fit and well. 

But thankfully, I hadn’t accepted those limiting beliefs fully. A part of me felt that there had to be a better way to do life, and that constantly pumping my system with antibiotics, avoiding the gym, or giving up all the foods I enjoy wasn’t it. That’s when I started discovering the practices taught by our expert practitioners and began working with them personally.

I’m not exaggerating when I say that each of them (genuinely) changed my life and went on to spur my obsession with wellness practices which could help me elevate every aspect of myself:

  • My physical training programme took me on a journey from lethargic yoga bunny with back problems to a level of functional fitness, mobility and strength which, pound-for-pound, surpasses most men in the gym. I feel great, my body is more resilient than ever, and I feel like I’m getting stronger (rather than weaker) with age.

  • With the help of functional medicine, nutritional and lifestyle support, I’ve been able to uncover the root causes of the auto-immune issues I’ve been dealing with since childhood, and crazily, how they’re all linked.  I’ve come to appreciate how every system in my body works together, and through that, have been able to heal.  Now I’m doing the fun part - optimising my nutrition for the demands of adulting that we all face - things like hormonal changes, stressful periods at work, and a busy lifestyle in general. 

  • I used to be a real cynic when it came to breathing, sleep, and meditation.  How was that stuff seriously going to make a difference to anything?  But discovering how foundational these things are and how transformational they can be when you put them front and centre in your daily routine might have been my biggest revelation of all.  These practices put a calm, confident gloss on everything I do, but more importantly, they’ve also seen me through some massive life transitions and traumas.  

Each of our experts believe that it’s possible to thrive, not just survive.  And the key to it all is to tap into your own body’s inner wisdom and knowledge.  

I’m so excited to be able to share these tools and practices with you  through our curated retreats, our newsletters and our collaborations. I hope they’re helpful, and I’d love your feedback - drop me an email to info@howeelevate.com.

Keep well!